Enabling a cursor for side scroller to aim with

I’m trying to design a grappling hook to use in a side-scroller, but I cant find the option that enables mouse input. Ideally, I’d like to have the game trace the vector from the gun to the mouse, and keep going until it hits a solid surface, at which point you could click to shoot the hook at the surface. But first I need to figure out how to enable the mouse in-game and get its relative coordinates.

If you create a PlayerController BP (and set it as default in the GameMode), you can set the ‘bShowMouseCursor’ option to true.

Thanks, that did exactly what I wanted it to do!

Hi all,

i cant find the Option.
I took the Sidescroller Template but in my Player i cant find the Option

Yep, i want to say to myself RTFM :slight_smile:

Found it :smiley: for Blueprint its a little bit tricky, but clear if you know it :smiley:

2014-08-28 10_04_14-Test.png