"Enable Look at Tracking" not tracking, on a MacBook Pro M2


I’m trying to get a CineCameraActor set on a Camera Rig Rail to track an object as I move the camera along the rail.

I’ve enabled “Enable Look at Tracking” on the camera as well as set the “Actor to Track” to the object which is a sphere.

But the camera won’t track the sphere for some reason.

I’m on a MacBook Pro M2 and know at least one other person who’s having the same issue.

Any ideas what may be wrong?


Are you using Sequencer? If so, read on. If the sphere is a spawnable from Sequencer, you’ll need to make sure to create an Actor to Track track on the cine camera actor in Sequencer. Then, you’ll need to use the Sequencer UI on that Actor to Track track to set it to the spawnable sphere. You can’t use the details panel or the eyedropper to select the sphere from the level because it won’t create the correct binding reference to the sphere in Sequencer.

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Hello, I’m having the same issue, also on a Macbook Pro M2. Not using sequencer, only the camera rig rail. I managed to make the camera look at a sphere but it won’t follow it when set on the rig rail. I’m following a YouTube tutorial on how to use the camera rig rail:

Any ideas on how to solve the issue?

Many thanks.

I am following the same tutorial, and also have this problem. I am using an M1 macbook pro. It is kind of annoying that it seems so many features just do not work at all on mac.

On sequencer, “Covert to Possessable” on actor you want tracked, worked for me. Thanks!