Enable: Game Deletion from Library

Hey Epic!

First of all I’d like to say that I love you. You have made my dream as a kid to become tru by having a list of worlds to dive in. I have been active since 2020 and at first all I wanted was to gather every game, purchased or free, that I could. With growth comes mature and I realized having all these game created a clutter that wasn’t going accordingly to what I’ve dreamed of, and part of that kid’s dream becoming true is having a glance to my Library and be able to see, as any collectionist, the perfection of those games that are really part of me, forever.

So, ¿Would please, please, please let us delete games from Library? You may not understand but some of us, gamers, have different mental gifts that demand from us to have a perfect and organized view of our preferences, and forget about those game we didn’t like. Please, let us delete games from Library. NOT HIDE. DELETE.

I promise to keep buying more, but I want to have the chance of making the choice of purchasing something that seemed good, and not have to see it anymore if I didn’t like it. You are the best Developers & Distributors of digital games, from a real fan of the Brand, please hear me out. I wish you a long life and the best in the future.

I’ll never leave you, but I wish you could understand hoy important it is to many of us to have a neat, pleasant and satisfactory Library Collection.

  • TheLightman :orange_heart: