I am trying to enable WebRTC inside of the CEF and I am not coming right. This is what I have tried so far.
In the file “WebBrowserSingleton.cpp” under the folder “Source/Runtime/WebBrowser/Private/” I made the following changes.
// CEFBrowserApp implements application-level callbacks.
CEFBrowserApp = new FCEFBrowserApp;
//QWD - Added command line switch with value here.
CefRefPtr<CefCommandLine> command_line = CefCommandLine::CreateCommandLine();
command_line->AppendSwitchWithValue("use-fake-ui-for-media-stream", "1");
command_line->AppendSwitchWithValue("enable-media-stream", "1");
//QWD - Added command line switch here.
FCommandLine::Append(TEXT(" --enable-media-stream=1 --use-fake-ui-for-media-stream=1 "));
CEFBrowserApp->OnRenderProcessThreadCreated().BindRaw(this, &FWebBrowserSingleton::HandleRenderProcessCreated);
// Specify CEF global settings here.
CefSettings Settings;
Settings.no_sandbox = false; //QWD changed this to false as it was true
Settings.command_line_args_disabled = false; //QWD changed this to false as it was true
But when I load up the CEF Browser and point it to this URL: https://test.webrtc.org/
I get the error indicated in the image below. This typically indicates that the WebRTC options are not enabled and those command line switches are supposed to handle that.