Empty Timeline Curves

Hello everybody. This is my first new thread in the forums and it’s to mention a strange issue I’ve just come across and see if anyone else has seen it crop up.

A couple of days ago I had some nice Blueprint script working which utilises a couple of timelines to draw some graphics on the HUD. Later, whilst working on something unconnected, I noticed that these graphics no longer appeared. It was a couple of hours of scouring the graphs before it occurred to me to open the timelines and lo! the curves within them were empty and uneditable.

I’ve attached a screenshot of one of the timelines.


It wasn’t too big a deal this time around as the curves were very simple but if anyone’s encountered this before would they happen to know what might have caused it, so I can avoid this happening in future? It might be a good reason for storing external curves!

Noticed this after updating to 4.18

Me too! - tried an external curve, now regular curves broken in timeline 4.24