Empty scene returning 157 draw calls

I am working on an Oculus Quest project, and the recommended max draw calls for that platform is 200 draw calls. I was doing some testing and realized I was going over 200 way too quickly. I started a new, blank scene and turned on the profile and I am currently sitting at 157 draw calls.

What is going on? Literally nothing is drawing outside of the default camera pawn.

Thanks in advance,

are you debugging in standalone or PIE?

PIE. I did a standalone test and it appears to be more accurate. Why is PIE giving bad information? I don’t want to have to make a new build every time I want to check the draw calls in a scene.

Editor have its own Draw Calls, as it renders windows and other stuff (you can see how draw calls number rises when you mouseover something for tooltip). Performance tests should always be done on standalone builds.


Unreal Indie Dev about profiling

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Thanks, i feel a bit silly for not knowing this for so long hah