Emmiter bound box doesnt change in Niagara

Hi. Im trying to make a particle system in niagara but afrer its creation and adding to a level - it disappers when i deselect it in viewport. Ive thinked that is because particle system has too small bounds so ive tried to increase it - but changing values and checking “fixed bounds” box doesnt change anything.(1 pic - particle system has no/too small bounds in viewport, 2nd pic - fixed bounds with 1 1 1 -1 -1 -1 sizes inside niagara editor, 3rd pic - same but with 10000 in all 6 sliders.)

Am i doing something wrong or is it a bug that changing bound sizes doesnt change bounds itself ?

I’m having the same issue. Unreal 5.1. Setting Fixed Bounds to any value has it the same small size.

After changing the Niagara effect to a fixed bound and modifying the values, when I restart the Unreal Editor, it resets to the default values. Has anyone resolved this issue?