Emitter delay when spawned

I’m using a particle system as child of a capsule on a basic actor. When I spawn this actor the particle system never starts emitting right away, but it does if I just place the actor on the map or preview on simulate in the blueprint editor.
I want the particle system to start emitting right away, when I spawn the actor.
I’ve done some research but I’ve been unable to tackle this. I’ve tried increasing warmup time, burst and rate, but no luck. Even replacing the emitter with an unmodified default particle system causes delay.
What am I missing?

you should try to add the particule directly inside the actor then activate it with trigger inside the blueprint if the particule is spawned directly when the actor spawn then you should add it with an event begin play

This worked! Thanks for answering, I’ve been looking for a solution to this problem for months, there’s so many things I can do now that emitters work when spawned. Thank you once again, have a great day!