When the actor has an variable that is active the color should change, since i added Emissive it wont change like it did before.
I am trying to change it in run-time and i use instanced material on my actor.
You’ll need to apply those same changes to the emissive color. There is a difference between color and emissive color. For example, you can have a red mesh that emits green. So while your mesh is changing color, it’s emissive property isn’t. The emissive property will usually overtake the color property if it’s set to a high strength, like yours.
Take your output from the Add and plug into the Multiply with your Emissive Strength parameter, and plug the output from your Multiply into Emissive
Maybe try a vector 3, don’t use alpha for emmisive.
Also emmisive colors really only comes in a few base colors, iirc there were 7.
any value in R + G + B = white and for example 1,1,0 would turn into yellow emmisive and 0,1,1 is pink and so would 0,0.1,0.1 (with any value i mean anything higher than 0)
It’s impossible to have an orange emmisive for example.
So it could mean your emmisive color overtook the mesh color and is in the locked color state as i mentioned above. Try setting it hardcoded like 1 in red 0 green to see if its turning red and vice versa.
When i change Main Color it change the glow, when i did not have the glow the whole thing changed color as it should. Then i tried to add glow effect on it and it stop’d, English is my secondary language so i am trying to make sense of that your answer is. And for what i understand, even tho i hook Main Color up on both Base Color and Emissive Color the Emissive Color wont change because is a wrong type?
How do i from the right type of Param when i can only select Texture, Scalar and Vector, and why is it different from the editor and in-game?
I’ve used this exact same setup to change both color and emissive in my game and it works just fine. I think the method you’re using for real time change isn’t right.
Right click in the content browser and create a Material Parameter Collection there. Go into the parameter and add a vector track, and name it. Use THAT parameter in your material instead of the one you’re using. You can just drag it into your material from the content browser. Click the node for it and, in the details, set the parameter track to match the name of the vector track you made in the parameter.
You can do the same for the scalar parameter you have for the emissive strength property. You can create a new Material Parameter Collection or just add a scalar track to your existing one. Bring in the node again, or copy/paste the current one, and set the track to match your scalar one.
In your bp, you’ll be able to right click and set properties for that specific parameter collection.
If you set that up correctly, it WILL work. It’s the exact method I’ve used. If it doesn’t, send some pics and I’ll help you out.
Got it to work, my error was that when i did not have the Emissive Color i only had my “Hex” mesh, but i added “StaticMesh” and forgot to change target in Construction Script.
But thanks for trying, i learned allot from your help for the future.