Emissive Not Work in UE5

[No Glow with Emissive Material, UE5]


I am a noob to unreal and working in UE5.
I follow tutorials to create glowing spheres, for example

IO create the material
add the constant to the Emissive connector in the materials graph

The sphere goes white but theres no way I can get it to glow at all, which is what I want to do.

I have an AMD Ryzen 12 core [24 thread] processor, 64 GB ram & an RTX 2080 graphics card on a Windows 11 system

I seem to be following the tutorials bit no way can I get any glow

Have I missed something, maybe someone can respond with a ‘step by step for dummies’ approach?

Is there some glitch, or a setting I’ve missed somewhere between new project creation & editing the material?

Does anyone have a solution?

Thanks in advance

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Hi ,

What constant did you add? The higher that value, the more it should glow (eg 100,100,100). You may need to darken the main lights a bit to notice too - the light it emits doesn’t travel too far.

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Cheers for reply

Nothing happens apart from changing to white - in the materials viewer I just get a white sphere with no glow

I search the documentation but a lot of the Documentation isn’t at UE5 release yet

Some articles lead me to ‘Bloom’ but can’t find settings for those

In the Tuts I follow when they at a constant to a material, say 100, or whatever, and connect it to ‘Emissive color’ they get their glow right away in the preview window

When I place the material on a sphere - same as preview window, white but no glow [space scene]

Its like I haven’t switched ‘Glow’ on

Hoping you can help - my plans defo need objects to glow

That sounds strange! Are you sure you are viewing the material with the “Lit” shader? It should look something like this:

In the Material preview this is what i get
same as yours but no way any glow

It makes no differences as I toggle through the ‘Lit, unlit & wireframe’
Lit which works fine on lighting other elements in scenes

Can it be something I missed during setup

Hi RokkoRokko2021,

Is Bloom turned on in your project? In project settings, search for bloom - if that’s not turned on it displays without emissive.


I’ve had this with a new FP UE5 project. Bloom is enabled, but it’s just not there.

You have to manually put a postprocess in the level.

But it’s a bit crap, because none of the material previews work.


a gazillion thankyous to Recourse Designers

Bloom was not checked and as soon as I did so my materials got their glow on

I am literally glowing with appreciation


And, boom. Now it’s not working in another 5 project ( which it WAS ).


Even with a PostProcess volume?

Then it works, but just in the level. Obviously not in the material editor etc…

Sounds like a Blooming bug… :wink: (maybe lost in translation)

Haw haw!.. :clown_face:

We need someone to provide some illumination on this topic…

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I’ve noticed Bloom has to be manually checked with every project I start - can it be enabled as default?

Additionally, while you experienced broz are here - I, being VERY new to unreal, am wanting to create functioning solar systems .

I use a large sphere for the stars and am wanting to know how I can set my sun and planets to orbits that match real life orbital planes so I can create accurate shots with stars & other planets in the background as they would in reality

In short how to I set the plane of a planets orbit around the sun and match the orbits of moons around the planets to that plane, with the ability too modify planes or moons that may not match the solar orbital plane.

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Strange, it always starts ticked for me - there must be a way to do it, maybe directly editing a defaultengine.ini somewhere, but a quick google didn’t suggest anything useful.

Sounds like a good project, I made a solar system in UE4 4 or 5 years ago and played with various ways to get a good way to make them orbit. I can’t say there’s not better ways to do it, but I created a blueprint called “body” which child blueprints used as their gravity center (and then children of those children for moons)- they pretty much just rotated around in the X and Y ignoring Z - as they were child BP’s I just rotated the “body” to the angle required and the child BP’s followed…

Cheers bro,

That sounds like what I want - any chance of a step by step re setting that up

There must be some way of changing the alignment of the orbital plane if required [Most planets & moons orbit in the same plane as the main solar orbit but not all, - this occurs even in our own star system]

Another thing i want to do is change the rotational axis of a planet relative to the orbital plane [like Earth’s tilt]

There [obviously] must also be a way to animate rotations and orbits so, in the case of our star system. Earth would rotate 365 times during it’s full orbit around the sun while the moon completes one orbit of the earth while the Eartth rotates 28 times in that scenario, while the moon itself rotates once in that 28 days [always keeping the same face towards Earth]

Here’s a quick mock-up:


Blueprint Variables:

There’s the base BP_Body with children for the Sun, Earth and Moons etc. Just right-click the BP_Body and create child blueprint, in those change the material for the star/planet/moon etc and set the distance, rotation speed, orbit speed and tilt (-100 → 100) and select the “parent” body to orbit around, the suns parent can be left empty.

Then just add them to your scene, attach moons to their planets and planets to the sun:

To get the day of year, take the (OrbitRotation/360)*365 and for the time of day take the (RotationAngle/360)*24

To get the moon to always face the earth, you’ll just need to find the correct rotation speed that matches the orbit speed.

Thank you bro

Thats exactly what I want to achieve and many thanks for taking the time to set up that example for me.

I am an experienced media editor / video producer but I have literally only just started actively learning unreal engine so your input is vastly appreciated.

At this early learning stage I am having a bit of difficulty with navigating viewport imagery such as getting far enough back to assemble a solar system with the fully overhead position relative to the orbital plane as you have

I need to set up shortcuts to quickly navigate to key positions within my 3D worlds.

To set up a solar system I would want to have a view like your example above, so I can set my sun & Planetary size ratios I want from one overview image such as in your fully overhead example

I have two main motives for what I am trying to achieve.

01 - To set up a timeline based Earth’s Solar System that is as accurate as possible to real life so I can go to a date, such as 8pm GMT October 20, 1999 for example, and choose a shot of earth that has accurate mapping for where Day / Night is [Dusk-Line] with correct moon positioning and the stars in the BG as they would appear had I actually been in space at that time to have taken the shot in real life.

02 - For filmmaking, where I am creating content that is set on a planet in another solar system, I would want to create a model with sun, the planet location & it’s moons set to a predetermined solar orbit and moon orbits so I can create on planet background that show sun, moons etc as they would appear in the sky [or from a space based viewpoint], that matches the timeline of the narrative.

A lot of film-makers don’t realize we are subconsciously aware of where things would be on any given time & notice when they aren’t.

They might have a scene in a certain location looking towards a specific horizon that shows a full moon yet they might show a shot say the next day , that shows the moon in a completely different position that is could have been in reality.,

Additionally, the shots they show may have the moon in a completely different postion that it could be for the particular location.

I know its micro-detail but I am a fan of authenticity where possible to create a believable & Plausible environment.

I’m finely tuned to continuity & likely notice things that others wouldn’t care about, like shots of the planets moons in the alien world in the stargate movie blew me right out of the fictional world at hand as they were clearly two shots of Earth’s moon with the second one rotated slightly [They used the same shot of earths moon for both]

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No worries - what you’re wanting to do sounds very useful - I notice things like that too and it can be distracting.

Yes I found navigating around a scaled solar system took a long time - in the end I had 2 distances in each “body”, one close to the sun for quick nav and the properly scaled one and changed the blueprint to whichever I was working on. You can also double-click the planet/moon in the World Outliner and it will take you there - but adding lots of cameras positioned exactly where you want them works better and you easily select them from the viewport menu.

Calculating the positions on a date/time shouldn’t be that hard either - you could just find the exact rotation at a certain point of time in the past and use that as a reference, same with the moons - just a lot of data for all moons on all planets…

There’s this asset on the marketplace that has all the brightest stars and constellations all calculated in realtime from stellar maps - referenced from on earth:

I get the feeling your going to have a lot of fun working on this!