Emissiv Material and Light sources blind to much

Hi guys,

I have a Little Problem… If I look at a light source or a emissiv Material (very dark scene) the source/ material blind the whole scene and I´m not able to see anything else… That Looks very unrealistic, if there is only a Little spot on the edge of the window the whole scene is black… I like this effect, but it´s way too much to look good. How can I handle this blind effect?

Here you can see how it looks like on the other Picture you can see how the scene should look like

That´s how the scene should look like…

If hope you have any tips for me…
Thanks in advance


I believe you have the good old eye adaptation feture enabled. Go to your PostProcess/Camera settings and find a setting called Auto Exposure. Set the MinBrightness and the MaxBrightness to the same value in order to completely turn it off.


thanks a lot… You´re absolut right. I knew the eye Adaptation, but didn´t know that I find it as Auto exposure…
This threat is dissolved… Thanks again.
Have a nice week.
Greetz Bobby