Ember Editor Released!

Hey everyone!

I recently had an idea to make a small text based story adventure like the Lifeline mobile games, but with support to add more features that the user can enjoy when playing through the adventure.

Ember Editor is my solution and I’d like to share it all with you!

It is designed to be very easy to use. All you need to do is write your story with the datatable and change the style of the UMG widgets to match your project!

The Editor is designed to create complex text based adventures. It supports multiple unique branches and dialogue options, allowing you to give your user complete control as they progress through your story.

Ember handles your stories through Entities and Actions and allows you to write your story by using a datatable.

Entities are the objects your user interacts with in the game. Entities can be characters, items, quests, or anything you can imagine!

Actions handle the ways your user will interact with Entities. Each Action can run it’s own unique behavior, giving you full control of your story.

All communications go through an Interface and Actor Component, making integration seamless. All you have to do is add BPC_Ember to your Player Controller, then implement the Interface Event found in the template HUD and you’re good to go!

Ember is deisgned to run immediately on play, but you can change this behavior by setting bRunOnPlay to false and calling the SetupEmber event from BPC_Ember

I’ve also added multiplayer support as well. You will have to handle how your players interact with the game as a group, but the code supports network replication!

Since I’ve started using it, I’ve found it pretty useful for other things like creating small introductions for Campaign sequences and creating in game messages, so I figured I would release it on the marketplace to see what you could all come up with!

There is a save system, but if you’re using conditions to generate stories you can run into issues if your conditions aren’t set up properly. If you have duplicate conditions, your player might load the wrong page when restarting the game. If you would like to take full advantage of the save system, make sure to use unique conditions for each page.

Future updates will see more changes to the save system. I’d also like to add support for creating your own unique widget for each page.

Here’s the marketplace link.


Playable Demo (I recommend trying the demo before making a decision on the product.)

Demo Video
