Eli Ball (Working Title)

Edit 9/28/2016
Greenlight is live: Steam Community :: Error

Demo is available on our website as well without registration now: http://insanemindgames.com/en/greenlight-download/summary/2-breaking-wheel/12-breaking-wheel-demo-mirror-1.html

Figured I would throw something up on here :slight_smile:
Me and some friends are working on a platformer using mostly Infinity blade assets, we decided that since we are all learning the engine we might as well make something as we went along and got familiar with it. So please don’t be too harsh in judgement and we are making improvements as we go along. Almost all of us are former modders from mostly Bethesda games, jumping to a full fledged game has been interesting and we are definitely learning how NOT to do things, but in the process you do also learn how to do things so it works :slight_smile:

We have our own asset creators but at the moment we are just working on skins for the game. No idea is being left out as the entire premise of the project is learning, ideas that are already in range from normal platformer puzzles, to flappy balls level (Just guess what its mimicking) and I even did a pinball one when I was bored where you control the pinball with decent air control. Other ideas that have been floated are a top down JRPG level, fps or 3rd person shooter levels (I gave the ball a gun at one point cause it was funny)

The base controls are simply left, right, jump, and wall-walking on specific surfaces. You also have the capacity to pick up weapons and fight. The mechanics are simple enough but lend to some fun variations in level design. You collect coins to purchase skins and unlock further levels, and you collect coffee which increases your acceleration, max move speed, and jump height. It does not increase your deceleration/braking power. You are awarded points at the end of each level based on number of coffee and coins and time remaining from the par timer, or deducted points per second if under par. You can also lose coins and coffee by hitting the various traps throughout the levels. On hardcore levels all traps will kill you IE reset the level from start. On any level that is not hardcore the player should be able to get to the finish line regardless of coins/coffee.

Coins will be tracked on the main menu and you can replay levels to collect them again by replaying the level. base level unlocking cost 50 coins and skins will vary between 250-5000 but carry no game changes besides aesthetic. We are working on a server to host high scores, as we wanted all instances of the game to share a score table and we plan to distribute on multiple platforms.

This is basically our debut at something and we jumped in head first a little over a month and a half ago, so it’s been a fun learning experience for us in our free time. I am trying to post ‘dev logs’ of a sort on our youtube about every week to week and a half showing our progress, new levels, mechanics, etc. We are keeping the scope of the project to a minimal so as to not get bogged down with ideas etc because we are essentially a bunch of broke idiots working for free in our spare time so embarking on a 2 year project seemed stupid to start out lol.

Dev logs so far (I am so unprofessional and get sidetracked sometimes, but I prefer to not edit or script anything as it just makes me uncomfortable to do anyway)



We have a twitter, facebook, website, etc, but we are not regularly updating them at the moment.

Thanks for reading, that was a long post lol, so far we are all really impressed with how much potential we see in unreal, and it’s at least 10 times better than control we had when modding.

New dev log video :slight_smile:

Latest devlog is up as well as website launch, next time I update should be with a working demo and greenlight etc.

Steam Greenlight is live: Steam Community :: Error

Looking good. I’m going to share this with a few people for inspiration :slight_smile:

Keep up the good work. Good luck on your Greenlight!

Thank you :slight_smile: We started stupid but we are crazy so it’s coming along nicely. I should have a clickable link to the demo on top of the page soon, we can make games but we all hate web stuff so our one crazy guy who does it is out for a few.

HAHAHA I hear that! A friend and I decided a sides scroller would be a nice project for us to start out with. Neither of us have any real experience making games, but we’re starting to get some skills under our belts. Neither of us are extremely artistic, so we are likely going to use the Infinity Blade assets as well.

Either way though, I’ll definitely be checking out your demo. :slight_smile:

Ya we had no modeler on board to start so it worked, our guy now is being MASSIVELY underutilized and just churning out skins and anything we need, but those assets were a godsend to learn

Download the demo here http://insanemindgames.com/en/greenlight-download/summary/2-breaking-wheel/12-breaking-wheel-demo-mirror-1.html


This is what happens when i spend 2 weeks on a demo and can’t create and then I get back in, instead of making a normal level… I started a TD map

The insanity marches forward



May not look like much now but it is grabbing grid by grid to build a level off bp’s and we are now working on 3x3 grid tile templates and tons of breakables. Gonna be wrecking marble lol (And a bit slower i was just jacking up the speed for fun)