After that amazing Bethesda conference I hope if anyone noticed how cool ES:Blades is looking.
I can tell it’s the most convenient input system for mobile FP game I’ve seen so far. And since I was working on very similar implementation for one studio, I wonder if some of you guys want to use similar groundwork in your mobile projects.
I think I can finish combat system, add point’n’click movement and pack it to a juicy offer in a week. Of course I’m open to customization inquiries, like inventory/skill/e.t.c.
Consider this post as a market demand research. Feel free to contact me using Discord, twofaced#1180 or express an opinion here.
I wonder how they plan to do it for the PC version
for mobile it’s good enough, but for a PC game it striked me as much more static combat gameplay -closer to classic turnbased first person RPGs- than Skyrim (and therefore further away from my hopes of a more movement+collision based combat in a TES game, more akin to M&B or Chivalry)
sorry, not meaning to turn your offer into a rant. in any case it’s unclear if you’re offering such system for money (wrong sub-forum for that anyway), or offering a community project (also wrong sub-forum), or just gauging interest (also wrong sub-forum) - IMO ‘market demand research’ can mean different things
How is it doing anything different from other mobile FPS games? At best it’s a novelty, something you can look at and appreciate that they put it on a mobile device but not something you’d wouldn’t rather play with a controller.
I’m not a mobile FPS player at all so I don’t know if others have done it before, but this one uses on-screen swiping motion to determine the melee attack directions
I always confused about unreal forum layout, As you can see I’m more about AnswerHub person. Forum in my opinion is quite dead place. I surprised someone replied)
I don’t track mobile industry well, but all I can think of is Infinity Blade. ES:Blades mechanics looks much better tho.