Ehh..Anyone know how to do this? (Screenshots inside)

Hey there!!

WHat i have is some doors wich are instances (there are a lot of them in my level).

I can make them open/close when i enter a trigger for each one (screenshots 2&3)

But what i want is to make them open/close when i use my Line trace (fire button - screenshot 1).

Is this possible? Please if so, explain the steps, because im getting crazy.

These are my blueprints.

1- My character controller making linetrace (its working for other objects)

Not related (but i wanto it to be realted lol), this:

This is a separated BP from the doors (the doors are just mesh instances), it has a trigger so when entered it make the door instance near it open/close.

In the last screensot, forget the "oninteract"custom event… and the Gate node. It was only for tests.
Both on beginoverlap and onendoverlap connect directly with the timeline play and timeline reverse.

Any help would be really welcome!

I have solved this… iwas making an error with the linetrace (i was not setting up the interface in the door blueprint…ROFL
So i could not receive the message from the linetrace.

Now i have an invisible cube that, when clicked on, searchs for the instance i made it to work with, and moves it.
The thing is…

Once the door opens, the cube and the door are in different positions. And now i must click the cube again to close the door, but the door now has other rotation and it looks weird having to click outside the door (i need to click the cube) to close it…

I dont know if there is a way to attach my cube BP to an instance?¿?¿

If nobody knows, ill just rotate the cube “manually” each time the door is activated.

But it would be great if i could attach the cube to an instance; not sure if its possible anyway :rolleyes:

Doesn’t the usage of Instances block any manipulation of that ISM?
Can you rotate the ISM’s after they are spawned?

Yes i have actually all the door instances i want, and they open/close when i click them (only the one i click).

Im using the Instance tools from the market (its great); His creator Nate helped me to get this working.
With Instance tool basically you can create the instances you want and then in edit mode move them freely where you want or with presets (and scale them, rotate…) all in the editor, and one by one.

Then, i used the nodes in the screenshots to make it work.