Egg : A possible virtual money system fair for Epic and users ?

I wondered about a market place based on virtual money instead of real one.

I spent a few hours thinking about a name : uec (unreal engine credit) ueb ( ue buck !) ec / eb (epic instead of unreal engine) and others but “egg” (epic games gold) was the funniest one i found ^^

For the serious part : Why not make a change from real money to virtual one ?

My point is : I like stuff in market place. On first hand because it is beautiful by the select system and on second hand because it is ue4 working on a click.
But… If i don’t have money to buy, i’ll not buy.
But… If i can give “stuff fair enough to be agreed by trello and epic” to market place then i can earn some virtual credits to buy stuff.

Points :
Real money is involved as actually.
when someone buy something, a “buying bill” is made for business and legal needs and epic is paid as it has to be and credit the seller with the virtual money in his account.
Epic no more send money when an amount is reached but when this amount is reached and seller ask for, then selling bill is made with the money delivery. which reduce sending work.

If the user doesn’t ask for money, then he just use his egg(s) ^^ to buy stuff and use it and he doesn’t have to do business or legal needs.

By this way, someone who doesn’t have the money to buy stuff but can offer to community a fair stuff, will can buy what he needs and will not have to pay a lot of things and Epic will be fairly paid as actually.

Maybe this is absolutely non sense or stupid but, as i am out of money, i just thought about what it would be cool and fair for all involved people in market place system and for me to buy Market place stuff (like hum top/down / weapons / characters and some others ^^) and i thought that yes i would do my best to do what i am able to (blueprint things) but with an excellent quality, to buy what i’d like to have…

Not a fan of this idea personally, because people put real time and effort into their content which is worth more than any amount virtual credits. Plus most of those people that do get content onto the Marketplace are usually talented enough to not need other peoples’ work. For the people who submit content, it’s a huge loss for them. I personally wouldn’t submit to marketplace, I’d rather sell content through my own means instead if we used a system like this.

To be honest, I have seen a lot of complaints about the overall pricing of items on the Marketplace. I think most are reasonable. It’s still early days however, slowly but surely people will undercut each other and the overall cost of things will get less and less. The problem with that of course is ease of distribution. Not being able to buy things you like is something you’ll have to get used to in this life my friend :wink:

I sadly totally agree with you ^^ But trying to find a fair way to have what i initially couldn’t have always have been an interesting challenge.
And as it changes nothing for sellers / buyers / Epic except for fees whey will not have to pay, i thought it was better to talk about it than do nothing…

I’d also like to point out that virtual currencies are almost universally reviled. They exist to milk more money out of people than they would otherwise spend if given a dollar amount.

Attaching that to the marketplace would be enough for me to never spend money there.

I admit that i had not thought about this point of view. If most of people have this opinion, i agree with how bad it can be to use a virtual system in nowadays :frowning:

Microsoft Points - Wikipedia is a very brief and shallow overview of some of the problems with virtual currencies. They’re mostly positive for the seller, and mostly hostile to the consumer. That said there are some positives that aren’t necessarily negatives for the consumer, the article mentions fewer credit card charges for instance.

Yeah i see. the difference between an idea and what people do with it. :frowning: . Anyway, thanks you both for honest and constructive reply ^^