Educational license

Im interested on educational license to install unreal 4 on several machines at my CG school, but first i want to know how does the login/acess will work, if all login will be the same for all or ill be able to create several 1 specific login to each machine (several in total) under same account.


And if i theres any specific link to buy educational license or i can use the same on buy tab of Unreal Engine herunterladen - Unreal Engine ?

You can find info here on education, but you should be able to use the same login on all of the machines and download what you need.

What provisions does the Unreal Engine 4 End User License Agreement (EULA) make for educational use?
All academic institutions are permitted to sign up for a subscription. You can install the Unreal Engine on all of your computers and allow all users, such as students working on those computers, to use the engine.

If a student wants to install Unreal Engine 4 on a personal laptop, or to release a product developed on an academic computer, he or she must sign up for a subscription.

Thx Aaron for licensing/login infos.
I already have read those infos, but for me its not clear if i can buy on the same link as individual licenses or need to fill some specific forms to use on my school or i can just buy/use without do any further.

Thx again in advance.

No additional forms to fill out. The process is the same for a learning environment. Sign up, install it on all of your class computers, and make something Unreal!

It only changes when someone wants to install it on personal machines or to release a game/product on a school machine.