EditorUtilityWidgetBP: `LogEditorUtilityBlueprint: Warning: Missing function named 'Run'` When run exists, and bAutoRunDefaultAction=true!

Hello. I’m simply trying to get my EditorUtilityWidgetBlueprint to run when the editor starts. (for all users)

the [solution found in the docs][1] says to add to your DefaultEditorPerProjectUserSettings.ini:


Which returns:

LogEditorUtilityBlueprint: Warning: Expected object of class EditorUtilityWidgetBlueprint: /Game/EditorUtilities/EUWB_Graphics.EUWB_Graphics_C

LogSlate: The tab "/Game/EditorUtilities/BPEW_Graphics.BPEW_Graphics_ActiveTab" attempted to spawn but failed for some reason. It will not be displayed but it will still be saved in the layout settings file.

I have also tried:


With no success.

So currently, I have this added to DefaultEditorPerProjectUserSettings.ini:


Which now returns this warning:

`LogEditorUtilityBlueprint: Warning: Missing function named 'Run': /Game/EditorUtilities/EUWB_Graphics.EUWB_Graphics_C`

I clearly have overridden the provided Run function as the docs suggests, and I’ve enabled bAutoRunDefaultAction=true

Would really appreciate some help on this issue, cheers!