Editor VR Mode Quest 3

Anyone get the Unreal Engine 5.3 or 5.3.2 Editor ‘VR Mode’ working with Quest 3?

I have VR Preview working but not Editor ‘VR Mode’. In UE 5.3. I have ‘Enable VR Mode Auto-Entry’ set in Editor preferences.

Looks like Editor VR Mode is removed in 5.1 according to the release notes. But why keep the ‘VR Mode’ option in Editor preferences?

VREditor mode is now showing up as a menu option. When I enable it’s only rendering in one eye so there’s still some issues to work through. Still its progress.

Not sure if it’s showing up now because I launched the editor from command-line with -VREditor or because I setup multi-user editing.

Ok now graphically Editor VR Mode is working on Quest 3 (UE 5.3 and UE 5.3.2) but the input is borked. VirtualScoutingInteractor and VirtualScoutingTeleporter are not being properly tied in. So I can see my hands and the controllers just fine but moving the controllers or pressing the controller buttons is not useful. I’m sure this has something to do with the ‘Editor Preferences > General > VR Mode > Motion Controllers’ removal of the fields ‘Interactor Class’ and ‘Teleporter Class’ in a previous release of UE 5

So I watched a video by Epic and they said that Virtual Scouting is being sunset by XR Creative Framework. But as of 5.3.2, XR Creative Framework is I guess not in a usable state. It’s supposed to be usable in 5.4, but when is 5.4 coming out I have no idea. So I’m gonna waste another whole day and try and use the ue5-main branch. It’s a long shot it’s usable overall, and even less of a chance that the state of XR Creative Framework in that branch is working. Let’s find out lol.

I can build UE, and build and run Windows projects out of it, for the latest on ue5-main branch (commit 7b00eca). But the MetaXR plugin is broken. Some part of the core VR integration was changed. Even though it should all be going through OpenXR.

It’s promising though that this commit builds as version 5.4. But it might take a while for MetaXR integration after 5.4 is formally released.

This is what I spent my holiday vacation doing. I’m disappointed the end goal of working Editor VR Mode on Quest 3 with UE 5.3 or 5.3.2 or 5.4 was not reached.

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