Editor Viewport MouseLook Sensitivity?

Hey guys, I just upgraded my mouse to one with 16k DPI and I’m now having an issue in the editor where my mouse sensitivity is exceptionally high. I barely have to move the mouse a picometer to spin the camera around a hundred and seventy two bazillion degrees. (I’ve told you guys a million times I don’t exaggerate)

It’s uncontrollable.

Is there a setting somewhere for us to dial the mouse look movement speed/sensitivity up or down? I’ve looked all over the preferences but I’m hoping that I’m missing a setting somewhere.

There is mouse sensitivity in the DefaultInput.ini but that seems to not affect the viewport mouse sensitivity at all.

I do have the same problem. There is also no way of fixing this over a software like Razer Synapse. I hope we can get a solution soon.

Have you found the solution yet? Because I have.

In case you haven’t. You have to access the Editor Preference window. There under Editor Preference → Level Editor → Viewports → Mouse Sensitivity. Just set the value to something like 0.005.

Mind that those schmucks at Epic Gamez didn’t put Editor Preference under Settings, but only under Edit and in the viewport itself under Advanced Settings. Advanced Settings can be found when hitting that drop down arrow next to Perceptive/Lit/Show.


Perfect! :slight_smile:

Dude, Thank you!! you are a life saver!

Thank you, newbie here and this was the first thing that bugged the heck out of me.


OMG All these years never knew it existed and had been using a DS4 with Xpadder just to get good desktop captures. Thanks so much LOL!