Hello, I hope someone else has had this issue and was able to resolve it.
Inside the Editor anything in the view port is blurry or low texture, also all the asset icons are the same way.
Attached is a picture where you can see how blurry a skeletal mesh looks in the editor. After packaging the game and playing it looks perfect, only looks this way in the editor.
When I first started with UE4 it used to not look like this.
Look into the Settings > ‘Engine Scalability Settings’ and ‘Material Quality Level’ and see if the quality is not lowered there. UE tends to optimize itself when it detects low performance. More info on the matter:
You can uncheck the ‘Monitor Editor Performance?’ to avoid this in future.
Thank you for the reply! After I had posted this I had purchased a Thumbnail Creator on unreal Market Place and by and odd fluke of luck the program says if the icons look blurry then turn off Texture Streaming in the project settings. I turned them off and all looks perfect again.