Editor Utility Widget Greyed Out in Separate Window During PIE

Hello all,

I’m relatively new to using Editor Utility Widgets in UE4. I’ve developed a widget for mixing audio, primarily to adjust various slider variables.

The Issue:

  • When I use “Add to Viewport”, the widget functions perfectly, and I can manipulate all the controls.

  • However, I want this widget to run in a separate window or within the details panel, not directly in the main game viewport.

  • The problem arises when I enter PIE (Play in Editor) mode. Once I run the EUW in its separate window, all the controls become greyed out, making it unusable.

What I’ve Checked/Tried:

  • Ensured that “Is Enabled” under behavior is active.
  • Set visibility to “Visible”.
  • Checked “Interaction is focusable”.

In search of a workaround, I tried creating a UMG and opening it in a separate viewport or level. It seems a bit like overkill, and I’d ideally want to avoid such a roundabout solution.

Is anyone familiar with this issue or have any suggestions on how to resolve it? Any advice would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you!

There is a flag called “Is Enabled in PIE” under the Class Settings for Editor Utility Widgets, this flag will prevent the Widget UI from getting greyed out when a PIE session starts.

I can confirm that with “Is Enabled in PIE” checked, I can interact with all the items in the utility widget while in a PIE session, and I’m getting events as expected. :smile:

Hope that helps someone down the line who has a similar use case.