Editor Utility Widget don't support ticking?

I builty an Editor Utility Widget to adjust an actor (Player) location, based on a slider and relative to my map length.

The function works as expected, but not on tick. I setup a gate so when the slider is in use the gate is open, when not it is closed, but the function only execute when releasing the slider. Same result using the function directly with the tick, without the gate.

I read that you can enable ticking on Class Defaults of the Utility but it was related to some version of UE4, in UE5 the option is not there.

Is there any way to make ticking work in Editor Utility Widget? Other question, any way I can print a string in there? I couldn’t get it working not even with a Realtime viewport.

Edit 1: I’m using it in editor with the “Run Editor Utility Widget”

Edit 2: The tick event works, as I can print the value change to the output log using tick, the actor is moving too, as I can see it’s properties changing on the Details panel when I move the slider, but it doesn’t reflect on viewport, tried enabling the Realtime option of the viewport but even with it enabled the actor location doesn’t update on tick.

Edit 3: Tried using a “Set timer by event” on loop with intervals of .1s but it doesn’t update on viewport.

Edit 4: More screenshots.


Hi man ,
I think that your editor-utility only run during editor mode,
once you hit play he will not be executed.

During editor session you have to right click on the UtilityWidget and hit “Run”.
This will run a instance of that thing and should do whatever you added to the event tick.

Keep an eye on the output log , since sometimes the print will not be shown in the view
but you can see tham in the output log


It’s in the editor that I want that functionality, to help during level design.

I used it as intended, clicking the “Run” and it works (not the tick event), I’ll edit the post with more screenshots.

Thanks for the tip! Using the output log does the job, all my printed strings shows on the Output Log (Not on the Viewport btw)


Did you ever manage to solve this?

I’m facing a similar problem.
