I am trying to create a Blueprint Editor Utility Actor, I have built the functions I want to use, “Call in Editor” is ticked, however in the Editor there is no button to call the function.
I have tried with and without “Pure” ticked, I have checked the Plug ins, no difference. Not sure what other info to give, pretty simple problem.
Am I missing something or are the Editor Utilities not working as intended.
I just stumbled upon this topic while trying to figure out why my exposed function’s didn’t show up in the editor. After fooling around for a bit I noticed that if I expose a function without input’s it works just fine.
Maybe the rest of you also tried to expose a function that requires inputs?
This issue is still happening. I am on version 5.3.2
and if you put entries in the CustomEvents it is not shown in the editor and since you cannot pass entries to it we can say that it is useless.
I would like to ask you to have it within 30 minutes (and the person in charge would already have to worry about that waste of time). But since I don’t even work at EPIC, we won’t have this resolved in about 4 or 5 months.
Anyway, something that is only 2 minutes is going to take months.
I guess applauding would be disrespectful, so I guess I’ll smile.
I guess I have to take US references. First world power… I’ll go have a coffee.
If Japan released an Engine, I think EPIC would take action. This reminds me of Hearthstone and MTGA.
I’m going to walk around while I see if there’s anything in ASIA or other continents.
The best thing will be not to complain (like in 2005 when there was only WoW and nothing else) and compile the Engine solution as many times as necessary.
The way to solve this is:
1 - The variables have to be public to pass the value to them from the editor instead of from the CustomEvent function/event.
2 - The CustomEvent having the “Call in editor” as active and with no parameters
When you have the variables set from the editor, then you can execute with the button
Bad programming practices:
1 - You never have to put anything sensitive in public
2 - For every event, the respective input values must be specified (if necessary) for that event. It makes no sense to set the variables independently/separately from the function/event.
By not being able to pass values to a CustomEvent function/event By having many variables you will have to duplicate/create variables as well as the mess of having many things and knowing which variables go to each function/event.
Anyway. I do not advise this at all. Let’s hope they fix it.