Editor Utility Blueprint - Load Level Crash

I have an editor utility blueprint that is performing several prep operations on actors in the levels. It is loading a level, performing some actions, saving the level, and then opening the next level in the process stack.

It will run through all the actions on the first loaded level, but when it gets to the point where it loads the next level, Unreal just crashes. This can be repeated with very simple actions such as Load Level > Print a string > Save Level > Load Level, etc.

Is there some concept that I am missing here? The crash reports refer to memory leaks on objects in the editor. I have tried garbage collection, adding delays with python, etc but nothing seems to prevent the crash from happening.

Any ideas would be very appreciated!

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I cannot replicate this with printing strings, but I’ve had Unreal crash (also noting memory leaks) after switching levels from one where an editor utility asset has been run that has variables in them which are hard references instead of soft.