Editor Utility and World Partition queries

Hi all,

I’m currently trying to do a mass alteration of actors in a World Partition map.
A large chunk of these are deletions (and wanting to save those deletions), and others are modifications of data on actors that are not being deleted.

What is the expected interaction with world actors to ensure their corresponding “file per actor” is properly:

  • Checked out from source control
  • Marked for delete
  • Saved

I wrote a Blueprint Callable C++ function to return a TArray<UPackage*> for a given TArray<AActor*>, making sure to call the (non-pure) function prior to destroying the array of actors. In theory this should mean the return array of UPackages is ready for use post-destruction of actors to call “Save with Dialog” (can’t remember exact function name off the top of my head). I’ve also written a Blueprint Callable function to mark a package for a given AActor as dirty.

Unfortunately this doesn’t appear to work as anticipated. All the actors pop up as needing checking out (due to the dirty command) but they don’t appear in the dialog window for prompting a save (despite other some modified actors appearing to).

Is there some new/improved tooling available or on the way for interacting with World Partition actors, or is there some other way of interacting with these to get the desired result?

Many thanks,