Editor tutorial documentation bug?

Total noob question: I’m starting to work my way down the learning curve and so undertook the UE4 Editor quick start tutorial, and quite soon got stuck. Specifically, on the page “Getting Started > Unreal Editor Quick Start Guide > 4. Place Actors” it asks you to place the floor by placing a Box Geometry Actor, which when I do it results in a small-ish cube, whereas the tutorial shows a wide flat (i.e., floor-like) slab. Obviously you can get the second from the first by some kind of scaling or face moving or point moving operation, but since the tutorial at this point has just begun, it has not yet explained how to do this (I’m just speculating that eventually it will) and does not include a step here for this purpose. It feels to me like an instruction step got left on the cutting room floor as the tutorial page was being composed.

It’d be great if I knew what to do here and even more great if the page were updated so everyone else reading it would know too.

Hi Epopt,

Thank you for catching this! I’m submitting a bug report to get this taken care of.

If you’re still having trouble with how to change the scaling of the BSP/Geometry you can do so by dragging the box brush into the level editor window. With it selected in the right hand side in the Details panel you would adjust the x, y, and z coordinates to get the results you need.

If you have any other questions feel free to ask!

Thank you!


That totally took care of my issue. Such responsiveness is wonderful. Thanks!