Editor Tab Re-Arrange - Bad UX

Editor tabs should never change size nor should the tab row itself dynamically change size when clicking on tabs or dragging and re-arranging tabs. Part of the problem is due to the “Parent class” thing that dynamically appears on the right side of all tabs based on what editor tab is selected. The “Parent class” should either be a fixed width that never changes, or put it somewhere else, or give us an option to turn that off. It’s bad UX, and very annoying, for something to be changing as soon as you try to alter it. Furthermore it would be nice if opening up my project restored the tab order that I had in the first place so I don’t have to do so much manual tab reordering. Since clicking tabs is sometimes slow since it has to load the blueprint in, sometimes clicking a tab and then having the tab widths dynamically resize due to the “Parent class” thing that appears, actually causes the tab to accidentally get moved or pulled off the tab strip. Also nice would be allowing tabs to be locked for a fixed tab order.

Cool! Thanks.