Editor - Simulate Button - Chain of Actions

Hi, I would like to know what actions are triggered when clicking the Simulate button inside the editor or better yet, where are those actions specified (in which file/s).

I mean, I want to know what actions are associated to that Simulate button “ClickEvent”.

I would like to use those same actions in an automation test so I don’t have to manually do it.

I tried using the Widget Reflector, but it doesn’t tell me what the button does, it only shows me the button structure.


If anyone is interested, I found where to look for:

The toolbar is part of the Level Editor, which has it’s files inside ‘Source\Editor\LevelEditor’.

In there, there’s a file called ‘LevelEditorToolBar.cpp’ which generates the toolbar sections.

Inside line 1536 to 1541 there’s:

		FToolMenuSection& Section = Toolbar->AddSection("Game");

		// Add the shared play-world commands that will be shown on the Kismet toolbar as well
		FPlayWorldCommands::BuildToolbar(Section, true);

Which generates the ‘Game’ section, and it calls ‘FPlayWorldCommands::BuildToolbar(Section, true);’

this method is declared in ‘DebuggerCommands.h’ which is contained inside ‘\Source\Editor\UnrealEd\Public\Kismet2’

and is defined in ‘DebuggerCommands.cpp’ which is contained inside ‘\Source\Editor\UnrealEd\Private\Kismet2’

FPlayWorldCommands::BuildToolbar contains all the options for playing, simulating, pause, possess/eject, etc.

Inside it, calls to ‘FPlayWorldCommands::Get()…’ are the ones that call the code.

The bindings are in ‘FPlayWorldCommands::BindGlobalPlayWorldCommands’ and from there you can keep digging.