Editor Scripting: Notify Weights and Types

Currently working on a tool to batch convert a bunch of AnimNotifies into AnimNotifyStates and one thing that’s slowing the process up immensely is that there doesn’t seem to be a way of altering the properties of “Notify Event” structs in placed Notifies using editor utility scripting?

e.g. I can RETRIEVE information like blend weight, notify type (Queued or Branching Point), etc. And when I place a notify, I can use a Cast to set variables in that specific Notify class (e.g. bools and floats that are settable on the Notify). However, the properties that are contained in the State itself such as name, blend weight, probability, etc., do not seem to be accessible from the set side of the script? You can set a start and end time and a class, but the rest is not exposed and doesn’t seem to be controllable.

I tried manipulating the Array of Notify Event structs on the Anim Sequence object directly, but this is also not possible. You can Get it, but not Set it (as it’s got a function get to retrieve it, not a direct reference to the var) and pass-by-ref doesn’t allow changes to be made to it.

So I’m running this script to find the time of the existing notify, create a notify state at the appropriate time, copy all the variables from the notify to their corresponding copies on the notify state… and then clicking into the animation and re-setting the blend weight and tick type by hand. Surely there must be a way to do this?