Editor Plugin - Keyboard Focus

I am working on a new editor plugin and it is going well except - my problem is that I have to click in the editor window in order to receive or read keyboard state.

I am handling input by overriding FEdMode::InputKey(FEditorViewportClient* ViewportClient, FViewport* Viewport, FKey Key, EInputEvent Event)

I am interested in processing mouse wheel events with ctl pressed.

MouseScrollUp is working, and the overriden InputKey handler is called correctly:

if (Key == EKeys::MouseScrollUp && Event == EInputEvent::IE_Pressed) {

but the ctrl key cannot be read properly until I click in the viewport.

bool bCtrlDown = IsCtrlDown(Viewport);

will always be false, even if ctl is pressed, until user gives focus to viewport by clicking on it.

Is there some special handling needed to get modifier keys in Editor without requiring focus?

Thanks for any help

FYI - One solution I found was to set focus to the editor viewport in MouseMove… e.g.

bool FXXXEdMode::MouseMove(FEditorViewportClient* ViewportClient, FViewport* Viewport, int32 MouseX, int32 MouseY)