I have created a custom UObject class that is meant to be used as a tool by creating blueprint children, but no matter what I do, when I try to use editor nodes they cannot be searched on the context menu, for example I am trying to use the node: Get Editor Property, but it does not show up. I created my class inside an Editor Module, also I am overriding the virtual function IsEditorOnly to be true. Not sure why I cannot display such nodes.
Im not 100% sure i understand what you are trying to do. UObject is not an actor. If you want to have an editor only actor you can use AEditorUtilityActor for example (its part of the Blutility module). If you just want to have a function to call with blueprint you can use UBlueprintFunctionLibrary.
I want all editor nodes to be available for my custom class, my class is considered to be a regular blueprint even thought it is inside an editor module. Reading the source code inside FBluetilityModule there is a function called IsEditorUtilityBlueprint, this function is called when a blueprint asset is opened, I need a way to tell my custom class to use UEditorUtilityBlueprint instead of the regular UBlueprint class, I tried to inherit my class from any blutility instead of UObject, but no luck
are you trying to create your own asset type? Or do you just have issues finding your UObject in unreal? UObject might need Blueprintable or BlueprintType as a class specifier
That is already done, my class is Blueprintable and blueprintType also, the only issue I am having is that is not showing any editor only node, but I think I found a solution, I can create my own UBlueprint and then create a Factory for that, the UBlueprint will inherit directly from UEditorUtilityBlueprint thus making my custom UObject a utility blueprint haha, it works: