This issue is encountered on 4.12, 4.13, and Epic’s launcher too as soon as we updated to the latest Windows insider build.
As of the latest Windows 10 insider update, the menus are buggy/broken in both Unreal Engine versions I’ve tried, I’m not sure what happened but I bet Microsoft did something, they always break something, I’ve reported the issue but only a few 2 other people had it as I suppose not many UE users are on insider builds, so if this keeps up the issue will make its way into an official update and Unreal Engine will be officially broken for all WIndows 10 users.
Is there any possibility to find a solution to this?
During that process it will ask you to provide a reason (checkbox is enough) and it will ask you if you want to searc hfor updates INSTEAD, for that question you choose “no” and continue with the rollback.
Be careful to save all your open files, close all other programs as it will immediately reboot your computer after the final notice!
The rollback itself took less than 5 minutes for me and all the menus in UE4 are working again.
As a side note: in Win10 redstone 2 insider preview build 14905.1000 the windows context menus are broken.
You can use Windows key + X to get access to the sleep and reboot functions and check back later.
I also contacted Microsoft Support about this issue and they assured me the broken incompatibilities with UE4 (among unnamed others) is known to them and a fix is already in the making.
Unfortunately this is the only solution, and I do hope it is fixed in the next Windows 10 / redstone build. I cannot go back the an older build now since I keep using disk cleanup to remove unwanted data and junk, so I have to wait for a new build.
Yes, that is right…if you cleaned up the older windows installation this step becomes as involved as re-installing #Everything
But if you happen to have the older windows installations still on site, then its as easy as it gets. I honestly expected the thing to take literally hours.
One thing I also wanted to mention was that I had to recompile both my master branch and project. For others using the binary release a validation of engine and project files through the launcher may be advisable.
I’m having this same problem, I’m on insider build 14915. Can’t click the settings gear icon in the epic launcher. Can’t click various icons inside the project picker. Can’t click any menus (file, edit, etc…) in the ue editor.
The build is really a mess, as if I needed more pressure, I will stay on the next RTM build when it comes out and leave the insider program. I’ve no idea how they screwed up menus, given the fact they’re a computer giant, their insider builds shouldn’t have such silly issues, I expect new features to get broken not old ones, oh well.
Edit: I just reinstalled Windows and I won’t use insider builds ever on a stable PC again. Stability is top priority.
The problem still persists with build 14931 (updated 9/21). I’ve discovered that I can sometimes get a menu to appear if I click on one of the menus then slide over the adjacent menus quickly. If I shrink the editor window it also works intermittently. I realize this isn’t much help, but perhaps it could help point to a solution… Or maybe we just have to wait for MS to fix their build. Right now I’m wishing I’d got out of Insider when I had the chance.
oh.when i start my computer ,the system tell me i have to update my system,last time is Oct /1 ,if not ,the system will reboot every 3 hours,why the mircosoft don’t to do something?
Windows just forced an update on me. I rolled back from the build which originally caused the problem, then held back on subsequent ones, but windows told me my build would expire - then it just crashed everything out and did the update!
This is pretty outrageous I think. On the other side of this - for an easy life - I’d love it if Epic had a quick fix for this perhaps in the editor settings or something?
At some point there won’t be anything to roll back to!
In build 14965.rs_prerelease.161104-1700 The menus seem to be working again. The only thing is that here seems to be a delay up to 10 seconds from the time the button is clicked to when the menu shows up. Subsequent displays of the menu seem to work better but that first load is a killer.
If you click say, settings, and then move the Unreal 4 engine window, you’ll see the menu is painting behind the window for Unreal 4. (at least my behavior, on 14971)