Not sure if I should post here or somewhere else, so apologies in advance.
I’m only just getting into unreal after having the subscription for a few months (busy busy busy and as soon as i load a tutorial up, the main window starts to rotate. I cannot stop it rotating unless i run the game. I am using a MAC with latest OS, and the latest Unreal. It was happening on a slightly older build, and the only online fix I’ve seen for it was about unplugging a joystick, but i don’t have a joystick installed.
Anyone can shed any light on as its really annoying and preventing me from following the tutorials.
That is odd, every other time I see reported it’s a gamepad causing the problem… hmmm
Is it rotating constantly in one direction only or does it rotate following the mouse position? If it follows the mouse, check your left and right Alt key to make sure it isn’t stuck. Also check your Arrow keys & W A S D keys. If you use a program like AutoHotKey, disable it as well to see if that helps.
If that doesn’t help could you describe it a little bit more, such as is it rotating around a point in the world, or is the world camera just moving to the right/left? Is it constant? Which version are you using?
Hm, it looks like it was a joystick problem :o - it was because i removed the joystick after the editor was already open, needed closing down and re-opening.