Hi! So I have this recurrent problem with UE (no matter what version I use) where:
If my cursor is hovering over the viewport the FPS get locked at 60.
If I move the cursor outside the viewport, FPS go down to 30.
If I start going into sublevels of cascaded menus, FPS can progressively go down to 9 FPS.
You can imagine how frustrating this can be as dealing with menus becomes incredibly slow and inaccurate.
I don’t have special settings in my Nvidia Control Panel for the editor, in fact, I’ve disabled anything related to Vsync. I don’t have the Nvidia Overlay on or any other overlay for that matter. I’m using the latest drivers and power is not an issue either. I’ve also discarded Windows being a problem.
So I found the solution to this. I’ve seen posts with this exact same problem that dates from 4 years ago and no solutions were given. If you have this problem try this (which completely solved it for me):
Open your Nvidia Control Panel.
Go to Manage 3D settings.
Open the Program Settings tab and add the Unreal Editor to the list.
Scroll down to Max Framerate and be sure it’s set to OFF.
On Vertical Sync, use ON, otherwise, the editor will be maxing out your GPU rendering a bunch of frames you’ll never see.
Voilá, UE will be running at 60FPS no matter where you hover your mouse.
For some reason, my Nvidia Control Panel’s Max Framerate defaulted to 63 FPS as a global setting. I don’t know why… I format my PC every couple of months, reinstalling everything from scratch and I’ve had this problem with Unreal Engine for almost 3 years.