Editor is capped at 30 FPS

Hi! So I have this recurrent problem with UE (no matter what version I use) where:

  • If my cursor is hovering over the viewport the FPS get locked at 60.
  • If I move the cursor outside the viewport, FPS go down to 30.
  • If I start going into sublevels of cascaded menus, FPS can progressively go down to 9 FPS.

You can imagine how frustrating this can be as dealing with menus becomes incredibly slow and inaccurate.

I don’t have special settings in my Nvidia Control Panel for the editor, in fact, I’ve disabled anything related to Vsync. I don’t have the Nvidia Overlay on or any other overlay for that matter. I’m using the latest drivers and power is not an issue either. I’ve also discarded Windows being a problem.

Any leads would be very helpful.


So I found the solution to this. I’ve seen posts with this exact same problem that dates from 4 years ago and no solutions were given. If you have this problem try this (which completely solved it for me):

  • Open your Nvidia Control Panel.
  • Go to Manage 3D settings.
  • Open the Program Settings tab and add the Unreal Editor to the list.
  • Scroll down to Max Framerate and be sure it’s set to OFF.
  • On Vertical Sync, use ON, otherwise, the editor will be maxing out your GPU rendering a bunch of frames you’ll never see.
  • Voilá, UE will be running at 60FPS no matter where you hover your mouse.

For some reason, my Nvidia Control Panel’s Max Framerate defaulted to 63 FPS as a global setting. I don’t know why… I format my PC every couple of months, reinstalling everything from scratch and I’ve had this problem with Unreal Engine for almost 3 years.