The UE4 editor generates folders in the content browser to match those added on disk. It will create folders including spaces (and maybe other invalid characters) even though they can’t be entered if directly adding a folder inside the content browser.
If an asset is then imported into such a folder, it can’t be saved.
Hi Kamrann,
I have a couple quick questions for you that will help me greatly.
First, could you provide a list of steps to reproduce these invalid folders.
Regarding the other question is this happening when you first create a project or is it happening as you are working through a project. Thanks.
In Windows Explorer, just create a folder with a name containing spaces, within any project’s Content directory. Then load up the project. The folder will appear in the content browser with the space(s). If you import anything into it, you’ll then be unable to save the asset.
This is different to the behavior seen if you copy paste such a folder, containing an image or such, while the project is running in the editor. In that case, if you click on the auto prompt to import the detected asset, it will replace spaces in the folder with underscores as it should.
It’s not something that is going to happen often, but sometimes people will copy a folder (or folder tree) containing raw asset files into the content directory manually, then try to import them from the editor after doing so. So I think it should be fixed.
What you are doing here would not fall under the normal workflow for the engines intended use. When creating a folder structure for a UE4 project all folders should be made in the UE4 editor. If you or anyone is copying assets from another source and importing it into the engine, that outside source is responsible for having the correct folder structure/naming scheme.