I’m currently building a relatively large map and I’m in the early whiteboxing phase by maping out my boundaries. Even with a few pieces of large BSP, I’ve noticed severe issues when undoing any of the following actions:
-moving BSP
-placing BSP
-deleting BSP
-geometry editing BSP
After hitting undo, UE4 will freeze for 10-15 minutes and end either by correctly undoing the action, or crashing without saving. I’ve sent these save reports several times.
You’re going to see significant amounts of lag if you’ve mapped out a large level exclusively in BSPs. That’s simply the nature of BSPs. As Motanum said, using level streaming can help by reducing the number of BSPs in the primary level, but there’s no silver bullet except to replace BSPs with static meshes. Converting your largest BSPs to static meshes with the editor’s conversion tool is your best bet in the short term.
I’ve been converting BSPs to static meshes as soon as I complete an area. But then as soon as I place a new static mesh, I get all the same issues. I can’t convert BSPs as soon as I place them because I can’t tell how it will fit until I finish the rest of the layout, especially since static meshes are very limited. Attached is a photo of the area I’m working on. The plane on the bottom is a static mesh of the outline of my map that I worked out in Photoshop.
Also, an issue about converting to static meshes. Every time I do, the converted mesh is, by default, rotated at random angles, making it very difficult to reposition the piece into it’s original position.
I’m not seeing the ‘random rotation’ issue on my end. I’ve tried making static meshes from BSPs and they always remain neatly in-place. This is in 4.4.3. Can you think of anything else that could be causing the rotation?
I tried it last patch and it kept rotating, but it looks fine now. Looks like they fixed it. I still need to remap each static mesh to fix the lighting issue, though.
I’m having the same problem too and the editor frequently suffers from crashes during these waits.
Now editing BSP is fine and very responsive, it’s specifically Undoing that is the problem.
If Undoing is simply a case of returning a brush’s verts to its previous positon and rebuilding geometry then manually doing this is a couple of orders of magnituede faster than using the Undo button.
I’m having the same problem too and the editor frequently suffers from crashes during these waits.
Now editing BSP is fine and very responsive, it’s specifically Undoing that is the problem.
If Undoing is simply a case of returning a brush’s verts to its previous positon and rebuilding geometry then manually doing this is a couple of orders of magnituede faster than using the Undo button.
It reduces the time it takes to undo BSP, but it still takes at least 2-5 minutes, depending on how much other BSP is in the environment. It’s not a bad solution, but not a permanent one.