Since updating to 5.2 from 5.0, Whenever I hit a breakpoint in a blueprint and (even momentarily/inadvertently) mouse over certain variables, the editor will completely freeze for 30+ seconds until a window finally pops up showing me the variable value.
Even tho i’m kinda necroing this, we have the exactly same issue here without a fix so far. Doesn’t happen 100% of the sessions started, but most of the time. Confusingly it only seems to happen, when hovering over object/pointer variables (light blue). Primitive or POD types like structs do not have the same issues.
In our studio most seats experience the same issue, because we’re still working with 5.2. Insane there is no fix or mention from EpicGames on this old issue, as it basically makes debugging in editor nearly useless.
The knowledge:
"One of the biggest issues for me was that BP debugging tries to recursively resolve all variables of an object in scope. So if you have an Actor that references another actor it will try to pull that actor into scope which can sometimes lead to the entire game being resolved.
UCLASS(Blueprintable, meta=(DebugTreeLeaf))
Add this to your base classes to prevent it from resolving more that the current class.This fixed all issues with long loading times in BP debugging for me."
This seems to be a good catch & workaround when working on a more restricted (type) scope.
However if you’re dealing with more generic code where most of the BP variables refer to pretty high level engine types (e.g. AActor or UStaticMeshCompoent and such) then you’re out of luck again, since you cannot flag these types with this meta keyword. Not to mention in BP only projects, where you cannot alter this debug resolve behaviour at all.