Editor dosent open instead a crash report comes up

when i open my project in the editor ue4 crash reporter comes up

In the bottom portion of the crash window there is a link to the directory where the crash information is stored. You can have a look at the files in it to try to find out what causes the crash.

You can also try this. First make a backup copy of your project, then delete everything from the project folder except Content, Config, Sources if any and the .uproject file. Then open the project again and see if the crash is solved.

Good you found the problem. Next time please specify when you are having issues with a C++ project vs. a pure/Blueprint one. Since you didn’t specify it, one would assume it is a content issue.

Thanks a lot vr_marco for your help but I figured out the exact problem and then the self evident solution.

The crash was occuring due to wrong cpp code

in the opendoor.h file i declared AActor* Owner;

but did not write Owner->GetOwner();

in the opendoor.cpp file and then wrote



After I found out that I had made a boo-boo(stupid mistake) I corrected it then built the solution and then the editor worked just perfectly fine.

I have the same problem they could tell me in simple words, that I do not know much about codes and that. Could you tell me how to fix the problem?