Good day everyone! hopefully someone can assist me in resolving this issue. Ironically enough this issue happened right when I was about to actually create a backup for my project, and since it has this issue… i should probably fix it before i do that lol.
My project is using blueprints… however if it is necessary to fix this, i am willing to figure out a way to throw some C++ in there!
So… onto the issue!
I was trying to load my project and it failed to load, and popped up an error message. I tried opening it again, same issue, and then I tried opening a different project to see if it was the editor itself or my first project. The second one opened just fine and could be edited with no issue. After looking at the error log (which i am not great at deciphering) and looking at some forums online I figured out that one particular asset was the root cause of the issue. I renamed it with a .blahblah extension and the project loaded fine, and could be messed around with as usual.
As soon as i try and add the effected asset back into the game and do something with it however… the editor crashes and gives me the same errors (as far as I can see). Here is a snippet of where I am pretty sure where the actual error is;
22-23.44.53:975][ 0]LogOutputDevice:Error: === Handled ensure: ===
[2017.10.22-23.44.53:975][ 0]LogOutputDevice:Error:
[2017.10.22-23.44.53:975][ 0]LogOutputDevice:Error: Ensure condition failed: false [File:D:\Build++UE4+Release-4.15+Compile\Sync\Engine\Source\Runtime\Engine\Private\EdGraph\EdGraphNode.cpp] [Line: 214]
[2017.10.22-23.44.53:975][ 0]LogOutputDevice:Error: EdGraphNode::GetGraph : ‘/Game/PageWidgets/Book_WidgetSwitcher.K2Node_CallFunction_7654’ does not have a UEdGraph as an Outer.
[2017.10.22-23.44.53:975][ 0]LogOutputDevice:Error: Stack:
The asset in question is a UI widget, and is the UI widget where pretty much all of everything in the project happens from for the most part… So re-creating this widget and all of the connections associated with it in its blueprint would be extremely time consuming for me.
It looks like my widget does not have a UEdGraph as an Outer … What in the world does that mean? how do I fix this?
Thanks in advance for any assistance you can give!