Editor crashing when trying to load paper sprites during runtime

Hello, so im using a object library to load assets from disk.

TArray<UObject*> USpriterBlueprintFunctionLibrary::LoadObjectsFromPath(const FString& Path, TSubclassOf<UObject> ObjectClass, TArray<FString> ObjectNames)
	UObjectLibrary* ObjectLibrary = UObjectLibrary::CreateLibrary(*ObjectClass, false, GIsEditor);
	if (ObjectLibrary != nullptr)
		FString NewPath = TEXT("/Game") / Path;
		int32 NumOfAssetDatas = ObjectLibrary->LoadAssetDataFromPath(NewPath);

		if (NumOfAssetDatas > 0)
			TArray<FAssetData> AssetDatas;

			TArray<UObject*> Assets;
                    UObject* Asset;

			GEngine->AddOnScreenDebugMessage(-1, 1.0f, FColor::Cyan, TEXT("Found assets, attempting to load!"));

			if (ObjectNames.Num() > 0)
				for (int32 i = 0; i < AssetDatas.Num(); ++i)
					FAssetData& AssetData = AssetDatas[i];

					const FString FoundNameString = AssetData.AssetName.ToString();

					if (!FoundNameString.IsEmpty() && ObjectNames.Contains<FString>(FoundNameString))
                                            Asset = AssetData.GetAsset();
					if (Asset)

				return Assets;

	GEngine->AddOnScreenDebugMessage(-1, 1.0f, FColor::Cyan, TEXT("Can't find assets at path!"));
	return TArray<UObject*>();

This is the code for the function that is called to load the assets.
This function works without a problem when trying to load AnimSequence’s, but when i try to load Paper Sprite’s im given this error before the crash.

Fatal error: [File:C:\Users\Jacob\Desktop\UnrealEngine4Source\UnrealEngine\Engine\Source\Runtime\CoreUObject\Private\UObject\UObjectGlobals.cpp] [Line: 1969] 
Object Class None created in SpriterSkeleton_C instead of Package // NOTE: SpriterSkeleton_C is the class that is calling this function

Does anyone know why this only occurs with Paper Sprite Assets, while every other asset in UE4 loads correctly without crashing the editor?

Still having this issue, please ease my pain with a solution!

Try this - it worked for me!

“After testing the sample project and reviewing the documentation for LoadAssetDataFromPath (Asynchronous Asset Loading | Unreal Engine Documentation) I noticed that the call you make to LoadAssetDataFromPath() is missing “/Game” at the beginning of the path name. Adding this and recompiling the code should fix the crash.”
