Editor crashing when creating a new Blueprint after opening another BP


I recently (:D) upgraded my project from 5.0.3 to 5.1.0 and two days later I installed the engine update 5.1.1 (it still worked after the Upgrade to 5.1).
Now I have the following problem:
I start a project (I also tried with a new one), first thing I do is create a new Blueprint by just rigth-clicking in the content browser and selecting “Blueprint Class”. I choose Actor, but there is no reason why. I can do this as often as I want, but as soon as I open up any blueprint (e.g. the new, empty one) and then want to create a new one, the editor closes without error or anything, right at the context menu. The log doesnt show anything I think. The last few lines say:
[2023.02.08-06.03.55:948][157]LogEditorClassViewer: Warning: Class /Script/InteractiveToolsFramework.GizmoActor has parent /Script/InteractiveToolsFramework.InternalToolFrameworkActor, but this parent is not found. The Class will not be shown in ClassViewer.
[2023.02.08-06.03.55:948][157]LogEditorClassViewer: Warning: Class /Script/ModelingComponents.PreviewGeometryActor has parent /Script/InteractiveToolsFramework.InternalToolFrameworkActor, but this parent is not found. The Class will not be shown in ClassViewer.
[2023.02.08-06.03.55:948][157]LogEditorClassViewer: Warning: Class /Script/ModelingComponents.PreviewMeshActor has parent /Script/InteractiveToolsFramework.InternalToolFrameworkActor, but this parent is not found. The Class will not be shown in ClassViewer.
[2023.02.08-06.03.58:561][157]LogSlate: Window ‘Pick Parent Class’ being destroyed
[2023.02.08-06.03.58:606][157]LogContentBrowser: Deferred new asset file creation: NewBlueprint
[2023.02.08-06.03.58:611][157]LogContentBrowser: Creating deferred item: NewBlueprint
[2023.02.08-06.03.58:623][158]LogContentBrowser: Renaming the item being created (Deferred Item: NewBlueprint).
[2023.02.08-06.03.59:319][229]LogContentBrowser: Attempting asset rename: NewBlueprint → NewBlueprint
[2023.02.08-06.03.59:326][229]LogContentBrowser: End creating deferred item NewBlueprint
[2023.02.08-06.03.59:810][274]LogAssetEditorSubsystem: Opening Asset editor for Blueprint /Game/NewBlueprint.NewBlueprint
[2023.02.08-06.03.59:811][274]LogChaos: FPhysicsSolverBase::AsyncDt:-1.000000
[2023.02.08-06.04.01:122][274]LogViewport: Scene viewport resized to 1063x693, mode Windowed.

I already verified the Engine, and as I said: It happens with the “old” Project and also with a newly created one (c++ project, third person template) and it startet with the update to 5.1.1.
The Editor also closes without error, when I drag & drop anything into the Event Graph, right when showing the context menu (e.g. to select whether to get or set a variable). But when I just right click the Event Graph, there is no problem, I can add functions etc.

Any Ideas? Any more information needed?

Edit: reinstalled 5.0.3, same behavior, so nothing to with the update I guess. But cant say it makes more sense now…

Hello! I am not sure if it helps but I was having issues with my blueprints with DLSS activated. It was interfering with them. They were interfering with the project before 5.1.1 but now the project crashes if DLSS is enabled. I had to remove the plugin from the plugins/marketplace folder and restart the project.

Thanks for the suggestion @sushichris. I am using an RX 6900 XT, Driver version 22.11.2 and guess what? Disabling Radeon enhanced sync in Adrenalin solved this issue.
Weird thing, so in the end it wasnt the engine update, but the graphic driver update I guess… (happened on the same day :smiley: )

Great that you got it sorted! :sunglasses:

I was getting this same warning with no DLSS installed or enabled but I did have the 3rd plugin in the image disabled using 5.1.1. if you see it try enabling it to fix it.