Editor crashes when streaming level not cleaned by garbage collection

When I hit play and load a streaming level from blueprint, and then I stop the game in viewport while the level is loaded or unloaded via blueprints, the next time I hit play it crashes with the error on the image.


The level is called “AStreaming1”, and I tried to remove everything inside the map, no map blueprint code, not a single asset inside, nothing. And still crashes.

When this happens, I duplicate the level, rename it and it will work fine for a few times until it crashes again. I tried making a new level and copy assets and code and it will crash within a few times as well.

This happened suddenly, a few days back, with the same code, same map assets, the level was working fine for some days.

Anything I could do?

This stramed level has an UMG widget, I read that this could make the editor crash because it may have a garbage collection issue, I reference 2 actors of that level inside this umg, but removing the code or removing the actors themselves is not working. Tried without the umg itself, same problem.
the UMG asset is removed before unloading the level, and used “remove all widgets” in Event EndPlay of the game mode asset, tried with unloading the level there as well.
I don’t know if it was luck but that solved the problem for a few tries too. Now removing or adding the “remove all widgets” node again does nothing.

If I don’t hit start again, saving the map gives errors and when I try to compile a blueprint it says Fatal Error! with blank message and the editor closes itself.