Editor crashes when open blueprint

I use the newest source code from the master branch. I got the following error when i open a blueprint. It doesnt matter which blueprint, and the crash happens only once. I can click continue (visual studio), and the engine resume. (after this breakpoint, i can open blueprints without an error)

I think it has something to do with tags, but i dont know how to fix it.

Outputlog from VS2013 while editor-runtime:

[2015.03.16-23.32.10:963][  9]LogAssetRegistry: Asset discovery search completed in 16.6494 seconds
Application "\??\D:\GitHub\UnrealEngine\Engine\Binaries\Win64\ShaderCompileWorker.exe" found in cache
Ensure condition failed: false [File:D:\GitHub\UnrealEngine\Engine\Source\Runtime\GameplayTags\Private\GameplayTagsManager.cpp] [Line: 486] 
Requested Tag GameplayCue was not found. Check tag data table.
UE4Editor.exe has triggered a breakpoint.

VS2013 jumps to this code:

Class: \Engine\Source\Runtime\GameplayTags\Private\GameplayTagsManager.cpp

FGameplayTag UGameplayTagsManager::RequestGameplayTag(FName TagName, bool ErrorIfNotFound) const
	const FGameplayTag* Tag = GameplayTagMap.Find(TagName);
	if (!Tag)
		if (ErrorIfNotFound)
			ensureMsgf(false, TEXT("Requested Tag %s was not found. Check tag data table."), *TagName.ToString());
		return FGameplayTag();
	return *Tag;

It calls the ensureMsgf macro. But i dont know why, i have no overview of this tag system and i dont know how to prevent the error from happening.

Please help.

The master branch is considered highly unstable so you should not use it as productive environment for working on your game. As Epic writes on Github “The master branch tracks live changes by our engine team. This is the cutting edge and may be buggy - it may not even compile.”.
If you need some special features you could try the promoted branch which is used by the Epic designers internally and is a lot more stable than the master branch.

Hey -

The master branch has not undergone the same level of stability testing as the releases branches and, as pointed out, is not recommended for development. While the promoted branch is more stable than master and useful to testing out new features, for development purposes we recommend using the releases branch as it has had the most testing.


I used the promoted branch and i got the same error.

I think i need to create a GameplayTagTable and load it with editor startup before the assets loads. Maybe this will solve the error. If someone has experience to setup this tag stuff, help is welcome :wink:

I hate it that the question is marked as solved, but its not -.-

Have you tried using 4.7.3 as suggested?

Thanks for the answers,
i know that the promoted branch (which i use) can have bugs. But, it will be nice to know if the error is caused by a known bug and there is no way around, or if this is a problem with my code.

After hours and hours of searching and coding, i found a way to fix it. Its more a workaround.

I created custom GameEngine, UnrealEdEngine and EditorEngine classes and override the Init function. In this init function, in all three classes, i loaded a DataTable with a Tag named “GameplayCue”.
Now, when the GameplayTagsManager searches for this exact tag, he will find it, and the error is solved.

Someone knows this tag “GameplayCue”? Why does the GameplayTagsManager searches for this tag? What is the meaning of it?

Hey -

Master branch is where many new and experimental features are introduced into the engine/editor, many of which have not been fully tested and could have conflicting code with other parts of the engine. These additions are tested in time to determine their compatibility with the rest of the engine and tweaks and changes are made as necessary for them to function properly. This means that, with testing, the current state of master is refined and improved until it reaches a state where it becomes a promoted/release branch. As stated, it is highly recommended to use other branches that are more stable.

Looking at your error, I can assume that you tried to use GameplayAbilities module.

You might want to look into that, and manually create CSV file, which will contain single GameplayCue tag, and load it at start up by either specifying path in ini file or overriding engine files.