Editor crashes when dragging and dropping a bsp brush into scene

I’m now unable to place brushes in my scene, no matter which one I chose.
I tried to trop it on existing meshes as well as on empty space.

As soon as i release my left click it crashes.

My scene is quite simple and made out of meshes and 1 box bsp.
I can duplicate the existing box brush and modify it.

I don’t have any script running and this is the original precompiled build.

Same issue here. Crashed every time I try to add a brush of any type. Here’s the end of the log:
‘…/…/…/…/…/…/Rocket/4T/QuadCopterUE4/Saved//BlockingTestMap_Auto9E95C27CE4C75E1E3C86C0BB629BD316F.tmp’ to ‘…/…/…/…/…/…/Rocket/4T/QuadCopterUE4/Saved/Autosaves/Game/Maps/TransitStation/BlockingTestMap_Auto9.umap’
[2014.04.22-19.00.58:945][829]LogFileHelpers: Editor autosave (incl. sublevels) for ‘/Game/Maps/TransitStation/BlockingTestMap’ took 1.041
[2014.04.22-19.00.58:945][829]LogFileHelpers: Editor autosave (incl. sublevels) for all levels took 1.041
[2014.04.22-19.07.31:012][401]Cmd: BRUSH ADD SELECTNEWBRUSH


[2014.04.22-19.07.31:564][401]LogWindows: === Critical error: ===

[2014.04.22-19.07.31:564][401]LogWindows: Fatal error!

[2014.04.22-19.07.31:565][401]LogExit: Executing StaticShutdownAfterError
[2014.04.22-19.07.31:577][401]LogPhysics:Warning: PHYSX: …\PhysX\src\NpScene.cpp (2861) 8 : PxScene::unlockWrite() called without matching call to PxScene::lockWrite(), behaviour will be undefined.
[2014.04.22-19.07.31:577][401]LogWindows: FPlatformMisc::RequestExit(1)
[2014.04.22-19.07.31:577][401]Log file closed, 04/22/14 13:07:31

I’m having this same issue.

I’m running UE4 4.0.2 running on Windows 7 Pro

Established scenes crash with about the same log that Tearl has above, while new scenes in the same project don’t have a problem adding brushes:

[2014.04.22-21.36.26:082][210]LogSavePackage: Save=92.373947ms
[2014.04.22-21.36.26:082][210]LogSavePackage: Moving ‘…/…/…/…/…/…/PBUDK/UE4/####/Saved//####_Empty_MAP4509542F465D9A78FF1C54B2A90A2275.tmp’ to ‘…/…/…/…/…/…/PBUDK/UE4/####/Content/####/Maps/####_Empty_MAP.umap’
[2014.04.22-21.36.26:108][210]LogFileHelpers: Saving map ‘####_Empty_MAP’ took 5.034
[2014.04.22-21.36.30:464][410]Cmd: BRUSH ADD SELECTNEWBRUSH


[2014.04.22-21.36.33:294][410]LogWindows: === Critical error: ===

[2014.04.22-21.36.33:294][410]LogWindows: Fatal error!

[2014.04.22-21.36.33:294][410]LogExit: Executing StaticShutdownAfterError
[2014.04.22-21.36.33:322][410]LogPhysics:Warning: PHYSX: …..\PhysX\src\NpScene.cpp (2861) 8 : PxScene::unlockWrite() called without matching call to PxScene::lockWrite(), behaviour will be undefined.
[2014.04.22-21.36.33:322][410]LogWindows: FPlatformMisc::RequestExit(1)
[2014.04.22-21.36.33:322][410]Log file closed, 04/22/14 15:36:33

To further this exploration, I’ve taken one of my maps that crashes, deleted EVERYTHING out of it and tried to add a brush, again with a crash!

I’ve attached the empty map as it doesn’t have any references. I’ve loaded it into a different project and it simply crashes on load, where a fresh map created in Project A can be moved to Project B without issue. For whatever reason, I can open this map in my project, I just can’t add a brush to it without a crash.

Also, if I take all of the content from my map that crashes, paste it into a new map, I can place brushes. This leads me to believe that there’s a corrupted brush in the level that causes a crash when a new brush is added. [link text][1]

As you can see in this screenshot, my empty map has a ‘ghost’ brush without any polygons and that refuses to be modified:

Unfortunately I’m very sad to see that this issue hasn’t been adressed in UE4.1.0 . Thank you for this insight and for the assets I think that should help them fix the problem though I’m wondering if they still monitor this question here.

Workaround: If you already have one brush in the scene you can replicate it by alt+dragging to make a new one. It’s not a fix but a workaround until they have a fix for us.

Theory: Could it be the location that the brush is trying to load from is in the wrong place? So when you try and load a brush into the scene it retrieves nothing, and then crashes. Just a guess at least.

Off topic: I believe that these brushes are being worked on because there is another bug that will cause tremendous lag when moving even the smallest brush over one unit.

Hopefully an update soon!

We are facing the slow down bug on a larger BSP blockout map at this moment as well, very painfull indeed. Also undos on brushes are causing crashes a lot (on large map that is).

This from another question that fixed it for me, undos included:

“Try turning off update bsp automatically. This is located in Edit>EditorPreferences>Miscellaneous. There is a known bug with this specific feature that is causing slow and freeze issues.”

It is not as visually appealing moving brushes but it works a whole lot better.

Thanks Orangemicro, it doesn’t solve the crashing problem but it does help a bit with the serious slowdown issue we have on another map :slight_smile:

Hi ,

Does this happen in a clean project with no additional content? Also can you please provide your dxdiag and a copy of the full crashlog? Thank you!


No it doesn’t happen with clean projects, it currently only happen in one of my levels.

FYI we tried it on many different computers and they all crash instantly.

Here’s DxDiag link text

This is the crashlog;

Hi ,

Unfortunately it sounds like your project may be corrupted. You may simply have to start a new project. If it occurs again in a new project please let us know and we can continue trying to resolve the problem. For tracking purposes I will mark this as answered for now. Thank you and have a great day!

Hi ,

Which brushes in specific are you using that lead up to the crash? I was primarily referring in my last post to the O.P, who seems to only have this trouble with an individual project and not across multiple projects. However, I am more than happy to assist you further. If I could gather a bit more information from you that would be most helpful:

Not only what type of brush but what type of project template is this problem occurring in? Further, Are these C++ or blueprint projects? Thank you!

This has affected two of my projects separately and I’ve tracked it down to a specific issue as noted above (The corrupted brush that’s not removable from the level). So, this isn’t a single project that’s “become corrupted”, as here’s reports of three maps with the corruption issue. I am dissapoint.

As reported by , in these particular scenes any brush from the Geometry menu added to the level cause an instant crash. Both of these are Blueprint only projects that have been started as empty maps in empty projects.

This has happened in specific maps in two separate projects: One that has been pulled along kicking and screaming from the Beta and another that was started fresh with the release of UE4.

The workaround has been to copy-paste all the content from one map into a new map. This of course breaks a lot of things related to the level scripting, but that was fairly easily reworked.

By Selecting All in the maps with the issue, and deleting everything that could be deleted, I noticed that there was still a brush (Brush1) in the map that could not be removed or modified. It doesn’t seem to have any verts or faces, etc. Building the geometry has no effect. New maps created in the project don’t have this object and I’m not sure where it came from.

Also to note that both these projects/maps were not using BSP objects until well into their lifecycle. I have attached a level that contains one of these Brushes. However, I can’t get the level to open in a different project, only the one it was created in (empty levels created in one of these projects can be copied over to a new project and open successfully)
[link text][2]

As a question of protocol on the AnswerHub, should I have submitted my issue separately? This post is a reiteration of information I have already provided in posts directly above, but did not seem to be considered. Also, Tearl has reported the same issue, suggesting that it’s a larger problem than just Op’s single instance.

Hi ,

For this instance I would like to keep all of this together as you are correct, it does seem a more systemic problem and I’d like to make sure we keep all of the information in one place for a more thorough analysis. We will continue to look into this so we can find an adequate solution to the problem at hand. Thank you!

Hi ,

Can you post your full crash callstack here so we can have a look? Thank you!

I just had this problem aswell, I had to copy all the brushes and paste them in a new map, I lost some work that could not be easily copied. BSP has been the major problem since v1.0 of unrealed.exe.

Hi ,

Does this occur on a clean project with no additional content? Additionally, can you post your dxdiag, callstack, and crash logs here so we can have a look? Thank you!