If I select,let’s say FirstPersonCameraComponent in one blueprint and paste it into another editor crashes immediately.I made smth like 5 attempts and they all caused crash.
Hey SasMaster,
I’ve tried to reproduce this behavior but copying a component and pasting it into another BP has not caused a crash for me. Which version of engine are you using? Is it a binary version from Launcher or did you build from source?
Please and attach your crash log and dump file for project after it crashes. You can read about where to find this information in this post:
Using 4.4.3.Also submitted crash reports.Will try again tomorrow.
Hey SasMaster,
I tested this in 4.4.3, and got same crash. I can confirm, however, that this does not happen in 4.5 or our internal build. Upgrading to 4.5 Preview or waiting for 4.5 Release will solve this problem for you. Until then, you’ll need to create a new component of same type in target BP and manually enter values to make it equal source component.
Hope that helps! Let me know if you have any other questions.
Great.But I will wait for release.I prefer stable stuff Thanks.