Editor crashes suddenly when performing various actions

Hi, I have been having some issues in the last day or two with the editor just suddenly crashing. It crashes during various actions. I have had it crash when I’m trying to paint in foliage, edit materials, or place static meshes. I have also noticed that If I load the editor after crashing and try to do the same thing that seemed to make it crash it happens again. Any help would be appreciated. Thank you.

Im on version 4.5.1

Computer Specs
GeForce GTX 680
Intel(R) Core™ i7-4770K CPU @ 3.5GHz
Windows 7 Professional

Hi dmiragltotta,

Could you post a copy of your dxdiag and also your LOG and DMP files from the latest crash. How to find all of this info is listed in the link below.



I’m not able to post my dmp file or my log file. It says invalid file type.

I haven’t had these kinds of crashes before. The only thing different that I can think of is that I am working with a landscape in the environment Im working on. Maybe the landscape might have something to do with the crashes.

Sorry about that. If you zip the files first they should upload fine.

If you think the landscape could be the issue, try cloning your project (so you have a backup), load it, and delete the landscape. Save, quit, and then reload the project. Retest what was crashing before.

So I removed the landscape from the scene, and everything seems to be fine now. I haven’t had a crash since. It was something about the landscape that was causing problems.

From what you listed from you specs above, I don’t believe it’s a memory issue. It seems that your landscape became corrupted.

You can try to make a copy of it and delete the original, that ‘may’ correct the issue. Just be careful doing this because landscapes take up a large amount of memory when copied and pasted.

If it doesn’t work, then it would be best to just recreate the landscape altogether.