I migrated the dwarf minion blueprint from the strategy game to my project but the editor crashes when double clicking, or right clicking on it.
Searching for answers here suggests the blueprint parent class “StrategyGame.StrategyChar” reference is broken.
I’ve tried copying the below information from the Strategy Game DefaultEngine.ini file to my local file but it has no effect. I replaced “/StrategyGame” for my local project name.
I’ve been testing this out for the last little while on a couple of the projects offered from the Marketplace and with the couple I’ve tried Strategy Game is the only one to give me this issue. I even went as far as to copy the entire project to a new project. I would get the error you are having which is that the parent class was invalid or in the case of the Minion BP it would crash.
I’m in the process of submitting a bug report for this, but unfortunately I do not have any information as to when this will be fixed/updated.
If I have any further information to add I’ll make sure to post the update here for you and other users to reference.
Because StrategyGame uses BPs and C++, you are migrating the BP, but lacking the C++ class that it is based on. This should not crash (and I have entered a bug to fix that), but it won’t work properly. It might be a good idea for us to provide a warning when trying to migrate a BP that derives from a native class.
Hey people this is a serious bug! I migrated my original blueprints to a new project because the old one got this bug, but I’m still getting this crash! Now I can’t even open my own blueprints! Help me :c