Editor crashes on adding local variables to blueprint

I just found a bug with Blueprints in the 4.7 preview 1.

What to do:

  • Create a new blueprint, based on Actor
  • In the construction script, add a “MakeArray” node. Dont connect anything to it, but click the “Add pin” button twice.
  • Click on the left side on the plus adjecent to “Local Variables” to create new local variable.
    … which is not happening. Instead the editor crashes ungracefully.

In version 4.6.1 it creates a normal local variable, no crash.

PS: Some users report that it doesnt matter if you add a MakeArray node or not. The creation of the local variable is what causes the crash…


Hi KVogler,

Thank you for reporting this issue. We were able to reproduce it and have entered a bug report into our system (UE-6870). If you experience any other errors in 4.7, please let us know.
