Hi, got a problem, Trying to remove some StaticMeshActors (stones) and some Water from the map and as soon as i touch them the editor crash. This is from the log file
[2015.03.31-20.28.37:778][101]LogEditorViewport: Clicking on Actor (LMB): Landscape (lake1) [2015.03.31-20.28.58:727][193]Cmd: DELETE [2015.03.31-20.28.58:727][193]Cmd: ACTOR DELETE [2015.03.31-20.28.58:732][193]LogWindows:Error: Windows GetLastError: The operation completed successfully. (0) [2015.03.31-20.28.58:733][193]LogCrashTracker:
anyone got any ideas?
Hey Raggatanz,
Thank you for reporting this issue to us. Could you please provide me with the crash report when this occurs? When the editor crashes, a reporter window should appear, and that’s where the will be. Simply save those to a text document and upload them to your next response. Also, could you please provide me with the version of the editor that you’re working out of? The most recent is 4.7.4.
Thank you!
Hey Raggatanz,
Unfortunately, I have not heard from you since my initial response. For tracking purposes, I must close this thread at this time. If you’re still experiencing trouble with the editor, please update this thread at any time and we’ll assist you further.
Thank you!